Lughnasadh Herb Kit
Lughnasadh (or Lammas) is a day to celebrate the bounties of the earth. It is a time for sacrifice, sharing the energies you are receiving and enjoying the summer days before the autumn leaves start to fall. The herb kits are a great edition to your celebration or for a ritual to do at your altar. Each herb has been specifically chosen for they properties and link to each turn of the wheel.
This kit includes the following:
- Frankicense: Protection, To enhance Spirituality
- Oak Leaves: An ode to the Oak King, Healing, Money, Good luck
- Rosemary: Purification, Protection, Love and Lust
- Sunflower petals: Fertility, Health, Wishes, Wisdom
- Charcoal disk
All herbs have been charged under a full moon and filled with positive vibes and intent.